In 1992, EPSF-Mansoura has been established in the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University for the purpose of upgrading the level of pharmacy career in Egypt. As being a member of EPSF "Egyptian Pharmaceutical Students Federation", EPSF-Mansoura gained its validity. EPSF was established in 1982 and about 30 scientific associations from different Egyptian universities are now involved in this union, represents more than 50,000 students in pharmacy colleges, which carries out its activities under the direct supervision of the General Syndicate of the Egyptian pharmacists. Also, EPSF itself is considered as a member of IPSF "International Pharmaceutical Students Federation" which also has been founded in 1949, and its headquarter lies in Netherlands 'Holland'.. Nowadays, IPSF represents more than 350,000 pharmacy students and young graduates from 84 countries worldwide.
Due to the extend in more than 80 counteries all over the world, IPSF lanuched one of its largest project [Student Exchange Program]. Student Exchange Programme (SEP) is IPSF's largest project, offering professional pharmacy internships. Every year, more than 1000 students around the world are given the opportunity to experience pharmacy practice in more than 80 different countries to achieve concept [Pharmacy around the world]. Travelling people need to prepare documents such as motivitional letter and CV. Every year, the Local Exchange Officier review their documents. We lanauch their website to provide a servise for everyone who want to study a broad whatever his field of study or his university.
You can also contact us through e-mail if you want to learn,practice and train on e-mail writing skills.